The Lair (Re-Roll Traits)

Keeping the collection Dynamic, unique, and allowing for tailored yield strategies

By leveraging the Dynamic NFT standard, every trait in the Booga Beras collection can be customized by the user. Leveraging The Lair, users can re-roll traits and choose exactly how they want their Bera to look like, allowing for complete customization and the creation of an identity through the NFT.

Although not the core of Booga Beras, the visual aspect of the collection is important because it's what allows us to grow the brand and establish presence and an identity in the wider ecosystem.

The collection uses detailed 3D art to stand out, and traits will continue to grow in complexity as we release more.

Visual Traits

These traits will allow you to modify how your Bera looks. To maintain rarity scores, not every Bera will be able to access the same traits. Instead, the better the rarity score your Bera has, the more options it will have for customization when it comes to looks.

All beras are customizable, but low rarity NFTs will only get access to similar tier traits to preserve the existing rarity score.

Utility Traits

Booga Beras have multiple sources of rewards as we wanted to create a diverse and sustainable ecosystem. However, we understand that users might have preference towards a certain strategy.

With utility traits, users can choose where they want the majority of their rewards to come from. Thes traits work as boosters. For example, if a user wants to receive more validator rewards, they can mint a V Booster. If they want to receive more governance rewards, they can mint a G booster and apply it to their NFT. This will enable you to craft your strategy and collect rewards according to your preference.

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