Liquid Staked Tokens (Vase Finance Powered)

Your first taste at Vase Finance Liquid Staked Tokens

Booga Beras was created by the same team developing the Vase Finance platform. As such, BB will be the first to experience the power of Vase LSTs

Liquid Staking: LS is a mechanism where users can stake their assets in Native POS chains to take advantage of the inflation APR, but still retain their assets liquidity. Through Vase, users can stake their assets in the Native chain, and Vase issues a liquid staking token that allows users to retain exposure to Native APR's but also to freely use their LSTs in Defi.

Where do LSTs fit in BB?

By bringing Cosmos liquidity into Berachain with our validators, we create a positive flow for BB, but having unstaked tokens means our users would forfeit the native APRs from every Cosmos chain.

To prevent this, we will use liquid staking. By leveraging Vase, we can distribute validator rewards as LSTs so BB holders gain the native APR exposure from every Cosmos chain we have a validator on, and they can still use liquid assets in Berachain Defi.

With Vase and BB, you get the best of both worlds. Cosmos tokens have around 10-16% Native APRs which means BB holders will receive these tokens that are already yield bearing and use them inside of Berachain.

if we take ATOM as an example, an LST would carry a native 16% yield for the user, which can then be routed through Infrared Finance and deposited into a Kodiak Finance LP to farm BGT, iBGT, IRED and KDK while still retaining a 16% base yield. And Atom is just the start. We will continue to issue more LSTs so users can use similar strategies to maximize the efficiency of their assets.

Booga Beras Validator Growth

The BB brand will set an example for everyone to learn how to maximize the use of our platform Vase Finance. By leveraging specific modules and mechanics inside of the platform, we can expand on our growth on multiple ecosystems with ease, and showcase just how useful Vase will be for validators and stakers across chains.

Booga Beras is setting the foundations for Vase to grow.

Last updated